I wish I was kidding. I'm not.
I also wish I didn't decide to click the horse poop on Freddy. But I did. Make of this what you will.
In fact, there are tons of weird things you can make Freddy eat that will kill him. So far, in addition to the horse poop, there has been:
- The highly alcoholic "elixir"
- A few hundred pounds of baking soda
- A live snail
- Freddy's water purification concoction
- Nitrous Oxide
But in typical fashion, let's start at the beginning of this session to see how and why Freddy is carrying around a gigantic piece of equine waste in the first place.
Last session ended with Freddy saving Srini from an anthill and subsequently hiring Srini to work at the pharmacy Freddy is hell-bent on reopening. Naturally, something else is plaguing the town: dysentery.
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And Freddy knew this . . . how? |
Anyway, I do another thing typical of adventure gamers, and that is to revisit all the locations to see if anyone has anything useful to say, or any items Freddy can take. Before doing so, I notice that when I step out of the Sheriff's office there are suddenly sacks of something on in front of the Pharmacy.
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Don't eat them, though. |
For some reason, I open the water tap and put some water into an empty beer bottle. I then drink this for some other weird reason—a reason that gives me points—and Freddy runs to the John to do his business, pushing aside the current occupant, Billy, in a rather weird and uncomfortable sequence whereby Freddy removes his bowels while sitting next to another full-grown man.
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But I mean, it is kind of funny. |
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Again??? |
A part of me wonders if I can bring the contaminated water to the doctor and see if he could do the diagnosis, but I'm not interested enough to waste any more time thinking about this. Time to make some medicine!
The manual features a medicine called Bisalicylate Antitoxidene, "an effective, albeit highly powerful, compound in the correction of diarrhea." It calls for 25 ml. of Bismuth Subsalicylate to be combined with 5 ml. of Orphenamethihydride in a test tube. This is then heated over a flame until the mixture begins to boil, when it's put into a bottle and corked. Finally, "[r]emove from flame and dilute with one thousand gallons of water (approximately). Makes enough Bisalicylate Antitoxidene for four thousand doses."
That's . . . a lot of water! Presumably it needs to get dumped into the water tower. I follow the formula with no problems, but can't figure out why it's not making the medicine.
I'll tell you why: If you don't measure in the test-tube, you won't be successful. Stupid me used the graduated cylinder to, you know, measure the stuff, and then tried dumping it into the test tube, but that didn't work. So I put it into a beaker, and heated it, but my concoction was unsuccessful. So I tried it again (after a timing-related death) and stuck to the test tube and the test tube only, and finally made the water purification medicine that the town so desperately needs.
Note: I didn't hate this particular bit of "test tube" fussiness on the part of the interface. After all, the formula in the manual did call for a test tube. The water tower part, however, did test my patience for reasons I've been complaining about the entire game.
I check my inventory, and the only thing that makes sense is the rope from Smithie that I had turned into a lasso. The game seems to think this makes sense too, as Freddy twirls the lasso, only to throw it lamely in the air where it falls back to the ground, lassoing nothing. I try various spots, as you can see in the screenshot above, but to no avail.
I'll admit I was stumped here, and really wished I had that stupid ladder. Then I had a thought: was it gone?
And no, there were no references to POISONous snakes. I was rather disappointed by that. I was also rather disappointed by the fact that I couldn't trick him into getting close to the buzzards so they could eat him. What I am not disappointed by is the high amount of King's Quest jokes in this game.
With the ladder in tow, I'm ready to climb the water tower in two stages: Use the ladder on a very specific pixel, climb, pick it up, use it to climb higher, and then it's here I can use the lasso on the little metal part sticking out of the roof to crawl around up there like a dummy.
I don't know. This is a minor thing though. What really made my own bowels clench as though I had dysentery occurred after this rather humorous sequence:
Anyway, what made my blood boil here was trying to figure out how to get the water purification stuff into the town's water supply. Look at the roof of the water tower in those screenshots. Look at them! Do you see a small hatch? Or do you, like I did, see only black shingles surrounded by other black shingles that are slightly later or slightly darker shades of black?
After many deaths where I accidentally clicked the dysentery cure on Freddy, thanks to the gigantic icons with wonky hot-spots, drinking it like a fool and dying, I had to once again consult a walkthrough similarly to how I did with the Preparation G puzzle because—you guessed it!—this is another pixel hunt!
There is, apparently, a really small hatch atop the water tower.
Anyway, Freddy pours the solution in and boom: the town is cured.
Whittlin' Willy provides a little interstitial narration bringing us to that night, where Srini awakens Freddy with some rather dire news.
So this was an interesting puzzle, because I recalled reading the entry in the manual about "Sodium Bicarbonate," which read:
"Baking Soda. Used to correct flatulence & diarrhea; useful on fires (by producing carbon dioxide in large quantities, thus suffocating the flames). Also amusing when added to acetic acid (vinegar)."
Thank goodness Freddy just got a whole mess of 50-pound sacks of baking soda! Should be an easy puzzle, right?
Using them on the fire just causes Freddy to chuck them uselessly in front of the building.
This is pretty stupid.
I wander town, thinking I can get vinegar from Mom's to pour on these piles, but nothing doing: everything is closed except the bar and the brothel—Sam Andreas at the former is useless, and I'm not allowed to go into the latter. I do notice, however, that the gravedigger has left his shovel near the grave of Freddy's friend Phil D. Graves.
So . . . that fire.
On the screen with the old Assay Office and the schoolhouse, I notice that the see-saw is highlighted. I wonder if I can put a sack there and launch it at the burning building?
I think, then, that I need to maybe jump on the other side of the see-saw from a great height, but how? Then I see the swing on the tree.
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Note that in this screenshot I have the sacks of baking soda on the wrong side of the see-saw. |
Having saved the day, I go to the brothel, because why not? It is there I make an incredibly unsurprising discovery:
The Sheriff and the Banker are bad guys!
No, seriously! I'll bet you didn't see that coming! But here they are, sitting on the porch of the brothel, smoking cigars and taking about their evil plans to try and get rid of Freddy at the behest of somebody called "The Boss"!
I guess we'll find out next post, because this has gone on long enough, but first, Freddy does actually go in to the brothel.
Remember how she owed Freddy money? Well . . .
You know the business Sadie is in, right?
That escalated quickly.
So yes, THEY DO IT, but Sadie tells Freddie he should go because she doesn't want to see his "cute little behind" or something get hurt.
I find this willingness of Freddy's to hop in the sack so readily when his heart belongs to Penelope not a very heroic thing to do, something Freddy sort of mentions in this sequence . . .
I'll leave off here because this has already taken up 36 pages in Microsoft Word. We'll pick it up again with the start of Chapter 3. I promise you, I'll get to the horse poop.
Session Time: 1 hours, 10 minutes
Total Time: 4 hours, 5 minutes
Inventory: Boots, melted candle, church key/bottle opener, good guy outfit, desk key, safety deposit box key, pharmacy key, empty beer bottles, shovel
Score: I forgot to take a screenshot of 999
Fart Jokes: 3
Indians: 2
Strange Things Eaten: Far too many to count.
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